Cognitive performance in working-aged adults – normative data from the AINO-project
Cognitive assessment is based on known distributions of cognitive skills in the normal population. The expected test performance depends on demographic factors, such as age, of the examinee. More Finnish normative data are needed. This article describes the cognitive performance of a working-aged Finnish sample in commonly used cognitive tests in order to improve the usability of the tests in clinical decision making. Additionally, the effects of age on different areas of cognitive functioning are investigated. The data consists of a healthy control group recruited for a prospective cohort study (”AINO-project”) focusing on neuropsychological factors related to ischemic stroke. The cognitive performance of 50 subjects aged 23–65 and age-related differences are described with test scores and other clinically relevant variables. The younger group performed better in tests measuring verbal memory, visuospatial perception and psychomotor functioning.